“Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. has not conducted and is not conducting any negotiations with the company GetBack S.A., in any scope whatsoever, and in particular on financing. PFR S.A. and GetBack S.A. are not parties to any agreements and preliminary arrangements on financing. PFR S.A. received certain information about the company in correspondence from the lawyer of GetBack S.A. PFR S.A. informed the President of the Management Board of GetBack S.A. that they are not interested in the analysis of a potential transaction with the participation of GetBack S.A.
In connection with the communication of GetBack S.A. no. 39/2018 of 16.04.2018, PFR S.A. will notify the Polish Financial Supervision Authority about a potential risk of manipulation of the share price of GetBack S.A. (Article 15, in conjunction with Article 12 of the market abuse regulation) by disseminating misleading information about the participation of PFR S.A. in the negotiations with Getback S.A.”
In connection with the communication of GetBack S.A. no. 39/2018 of 16.04.2018, PFR S.A. will notify the Polish Financial Supervision Authority about a potential risk of manipulation of the share price of GetBack S.A. (Article 15, in conjunction with Article 12 of the market abuse regulation) by disseminating misleading information about the participation of PFR S.A. in the negotiations with Getback S.A.”